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A 1952 Easter Treat from Bachmann's

We found this Easter advertisement in a Central Lake Torch from 1952 and thought you might enjoy it. I love the list of Easter supplies--probably because we still carry the same things today...except for "fruit and nut eggs." I don't really know what those are, and I'm hoping someone who reads this might be able to fill us in. I suppose in 1952 plastic toys were something worth advertising. It's interesting to me that everything was listed in general terms, with no brand names.

This ad is from the era when Bachmann's was THE place for clothing. There was no such thing as driving to Traverse City to load up carts at big box stores. Families shopped at Bachmann's. Heck, receipts weren't even necessary--we knew you and you knew us. We still try to be that kind of place, but the world sure has changed, hasn't it? One thing that will never change is this: you can count on Bachmann's to be what you've always known us to be. We look forward to seeing you, we are here to make shopping enjoyable, and we always have time to chat (except in July!).

Easter's early this year. We'll help you put those baskets together in no time! We have everything you need...except for "fruit and nut eggs." Whatever those are.

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